Looking for the inner child

A woman who had become blind in the course of her life asked me for a session. When we met,  ,I had a bit difficulties.  ,I felt something about her I didn't like.  ,I didn't know what it was but you all know that feeling of meeting someone and you feel a rejection inside towards that person.  ,I was faced with a dilemma, how should I let the vibrations flow, if I couldn't open my heart to her the way I wanted to, what should I do now? I had promised to help her, so I wanted to find a way.

I decided to pray and asked for help on how I could open my heart to her and get involved with her. That's when I got a very beautiful impulse. Something inside me said:

"Imagine her as the little girl she once was..."

And poof,  ,in my inner eye I saw a little girl in front of me, all loving, radiant and innocent! My heart opened immediately and so I could let flow wonderful energies for the woman!

We had a pleasant exchange afterwards, we were both happy and I went home grateful.

How easy it can be to open our hearts to someone who we at first feel uncomfortable with… imagine this person as if it were a child!
