I will be happy to be of service how you train to like your sound and the melodies of your voice again. You will see, it is fun to train it and discover your possibilities!
It is beautiful to welcome your own voice, learn to love it. This can have a great impact on how you feel in general.
Online is also a wonderful way to receive energetic sessions. Healing vibrations and energy work have no physical boundary and can always arrive anywhere if desired. It goes beyond the concept of time and space. I have had very beautiful and valuable experiences with people via online offerings for many years. And it is a joy, also via this way.
Blockages are disturbances in the flow of energy in humans.
These can be caused by various influences to which one has been exposed. Sometimes one takes on the fears and worries of the mother even before birth. Or one has experienced anger, hatred, stress and worries or had to struggle with difficult childhood experiences, for example.
Too much work, stress or the loss of loved ones can also cause blockages. There are many more reasons why a person does not feel comfortable in his skin. Sometimes the causes are hidden so deeply that they do not want to or cannot easily come to the surface. Then there is the possibility of reaching the deeper levels with the help of sounds, leading to resonnance and release.
When the blockages are released, joy can be reawakened, the body can rebuild its own defenses, which can support the recovery process and thus physical disorders can disappear. Likewise, mental pain, anxiety and more can be positively influenced by sound frequencies, so that the person can relax, have more courage and feel more peace and joy again.
The sessions are very different and each person perceives the energy differently: some people receive images, others react on the physical level, feeling a tingling, warmth or cold. Feelings and emotions can appear and be released. Tears flow, joy, relief and much more, depending on the person's disposition and what just comes up and releases.
No. All my offers are based on my intention to support your independence.
I work on the basis of a method that I have developed myself. In addition to my training as a spiritual healer, I have attended numerous seminars and combine in my work a number of different approaches.
I distance myself from all forms of cults that have ever existed.
No, I do not look into you. I always 'get' only as much as you allow, and whatever is important for your development and healing.
It can happen that I feel something, or go into resonance with one of your topics. When I sing for you, my concentration is mainly on receiving the sounds that you want me to pass on. Sometimes I also get special insights during our conversations, in which case I share them with you.
Yes, gladly!
It is with great pleasure that I sing at weddings, baptisms and birthdays, and have beautiful gentle songs for mourning and farewell ceremonies.
I will gladly send you the list of songs I have sung on these occasions.
You can also book me for a living-room concert, in duo with Mark Joggerst, or book a sing-along event Améha Chants.
Feel free to contact me (no strings attached) and we can discuss what fits best.
The number of sessions depends on the complaints you have and their origin. It is a process of transformation that can sometimes go very quickly and sometimes slowly. It is a process of accepting and letting go, on which you have influence and therefore also determines the number of sessions needed to achieve your goal. We will determine together what is the best course of action for you.
Yes! You can download your favourite Songs here:
Améha Chants
Apple music | Amazon
Amazing Grace goes India
Apple Music
Remember who you are
Good question!
Since 25 years I have been totally fascinated by the power and love I feel, when I sing and speak in lightlanguage for people.
The first time I discovered this gift, I was so deeply touched by the language, that I knew I wanted to bring this into the world. I didn't even think about what it really was and what people would think about it. The languages felt like a deep "coming home" to me and a feeling of a deep knowing spread through me.
So I started to "sing" for people. Off coarse at some point I wanted to know where the languages come from and what they mean.
I had many questions and yes, I got some answers.
That I am here as the guardian of the sacred scroll of Lemuria , that I pass on the languages and songs of the chiefs of the 12 tribes of the Council of the Wise, the sounds of Venus, the Pleiades, the Hathors, the Elohime and the angelic realms, the primal tribes such as the Incas and Mayas, and the Essenes to name a few.
My higher self and soul receive everything, passes through my heart and goes to the listeners.
Maybe we are all multidimensional beings?
Are we Souls having a human experience in our bodies on earth? That sounds right to me.
Some of us like me and maybe you too, have a closer access to the multidimensions realms, where the light languages come from.
Over the years I have noticed that the mind would like to know and order everything, but our soul knows better anyway what we need and where it comes from. A resonance will be felt for you where it is important, you will feel the call if you want to come to me.
Time torRemember your very own potential, wisdom and knowledge!
I allow myself time for myself every morning.
After my cup of coffee, I sit on the sofa and spontaneously go for what calls me:
Eather I meditate or pray, speak affirmations, or sit in silence, or a lightlanguages comes flown, which I then sing.
Lately I have daily drawn a card for my inner child and I nourish our connection as well as to my soul.
Then, after about half an hour or more, I go upstairs and do my exercises, (Psychocalisthenics) that I learned many years ago.
They last about 15 minutes and then I add a few small exercises, braingym, or or...
A few affirmations?
I (name) tune into my true frequency and I invite my soul to guide me.
I (name) am now aligned with my divine frequency.
Today I am open and receptive experiencing miracles, syncronicities and inspirations.
I invite the happiness and love and guidance that is waiting to be accepted by me.
I (name) am in the here and now, grounded, guided and protected.
Would you like to support me and my work? Thank you for your support:
Pablo Picasso: "The Meaning of life is to find your gifts. The purpose is to give them away".
I love that Quote.
I also think that`s a wonderful reason to be here. Now however, we often grow up in families and society where our gifts are not really seen, encouraged and supported. So we slowly disconnect from these qualities and start living a life out of mind, less inspired, which can eventually leads to frustation and illness.
I was told we are souls on a journey in a physical body.
The challenge or problem with this is that many of us have forgotten that we are souls and have lost our connection with it.
Fear becomes a daily companion instead of us letting our inner "soul" voice guide us.
If we would open up to find our soul connection again, fear can disappear much easier, we have more confidence in life and we have a stronger sense of purpose and we feel less like victims.
If this touches you and you want to be more connected, I love to support you in "reconnecting" with your soul, become one with body mind soul!
In this evenings we feature our souls and we are learning our telepathic skills.
After a short hello and introduction, we give space tomour souls: we invite and ask our souls to "take over" and start a communcation with the souls of the other participants. We as a group are in silence, learning to hear and listen to the voices of our souls and what they want to give us, eather words, or imagines, or feelings.. After the silence space, we have a break and exchange about what everyone has seen, lived, felt and or heard. We do this exercises until we feel it is enough for that day. It is always a very special sacred space, we all have an incredible benefit from the outcome. I really love this soultalks and so do the participants.
These are small groups, very intense, full of respect, love and we honour each others space and presence.
If you are interested in beeing part of a group send me a mail, i ll be happy to open the space for you.
Soul singing can be healing for couples in any form. Mother / child, man / woman, woman / woman, man / man, siblings, friends, and more.
Often people come together because their souls want to learn from each other. In love relationships it can be, that after the first phase of falling in love, the couple encounters their "rough edges" which can be very unpleasant. Partly this is a "mirror" of what we ourselves carry inside or perhaps would like to have, partly it can also be old mental entanglements that still want to be solved.
The soundhealing for couples can be of great support exactly there.
The vibrations and information of the light languages can touch deep levels in us humans. Thus old patterns and disturbances in relationships can be solved.
We do not have to relive everything. Sometimes it is enough that the healing vibrations flow in and it thereby dissolves and / or transforms the disturbances into a peaceful coexistence.
I am always very happy when 2 people together come for a soundhealing. It is so wonderful when the old can go and a new level of trust and togetherness grows again!
The sessions can go both online and live in my center.
Do contact me if you have further questions and to make your appointment.
Sure, send me a Mail and i ll send you the Themes I have recorded.
You can then Buy the ones you wish to have.